Wednesday, April 13, 2011


    Have you ever had an assignment and got sidetracked by things influenced by media? Well in this stop motion video it shows that in a form of defamiliarization of sticky notes. It starts off with an individual working on the computer using Photoshop and Word Perfect. He then gets tiresome and dozes off. The sticky notes admittedly turns into a hammer and knocks him on the head. Now he gets sidetracked by playing video games/ inspiration from famous video games. After that a series of rain starts to fall that covers the wall then he dozes back to sleep.

    What I found most interesting about this stop motion video was that throughout the video the individual kept on dozing off. I was wondering if this was a dream or just his imagination. It left the audience in suspense and also gave that random aesthetic to it. Even though there is no concept at all, we as artists can interpret those ideas and create a symbolic meaning to it.

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