"Tales of Mere Existance" is a series of animation by Lev Yilmaz. The animation is done by him using his invisible hand drawing cartoons as he verbally explains the story behind it. As for one of his videos 'How I Sit on the Bus" (link below) shows us the everyday uncommon individual in public who appears in an awkward manner or who just looks plane creepy. In Lev's position he crosses his legs in a way a woman would and leans his arm across the seat to show his masculinity. He knows this position is unordinary for men but feels most comfortable with it. At 0:55 he's in a position in where he has two people side by side him, so he continues to cross his legs and holds his bag in a womanly manner. He describes this to be something negative. This comes to show in society people are mislead into having a certian stereotypical ideology of men crossing legs since this is what a woman does in public with a short skirt and huge legs. As the video progresses, different types of sitting in a position comes into play. Yes, it does sound awkward talking or even making a video about ways to sit. But what this represents to me is when adversity or difficulties come towards you, you position yourself in a way to overcome it or to deal with it, such as when he put his two feet up on the double seater so nobody would even think about sitting next to him.
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