" I Met the Walrus" is an animated short film directed by Josh Raskin. The film is based on a 16 year old teen Jerry Levitan in 1969 who interviews John Lennon, one of the greatest musicians of all time, in Toronto's King Edward Hotel. A question that caught my attention was when Jerry asked about the situation between John and the U.S.A. He responded by saying how he was antiwar and that war is big business. The only thing that the establishment knows about is war and how to make money. This is because they do have the money and power to do it, to ultimately create more hectic disasters such as people dying for their country in the military. Something like this is unnecessary. So what Lennon suggests is to protest for peace and do anything for peace. This is because the establishment knows nothing about peace, because it doesn't cost a thing.
Another interesting point that Lennon mentioned is that people often blame the government upon putting them into war at the time. It's as if they have no choice what so ever. But they do, it's up to the people to protest and take things into their own hands apposed to nagging on the same situation over and over again. In my opinion people are often so religious and ask God for so much. Don't get me wrong, it's good to have some sort of spiritually, but if you keep on dreaming and hoping nothing happens. You sometimes need to take some responsibility into your own hands then everything comes together.
As the interview goes on Lennon mentions that all of us are a bit of Hitler and Jesus on the inside, that's something that is true in my opinion. We just need to work on the good side of it rather than the bad, since that leads us to nowhere, take Hitler as an example.
As an including statement for the interview Lennon says that "everything is there" and relates it to a flower. This metaphor astonishes me the most because he said when listening to his songs far after they have been released or recorded, he gets the message depending on how you interpret it. Some may interpret the message in different ways. Such as when The Beatles came out with " Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", was used as a metaphor for L.S.D, a type of drug The Beatles used for some time (especially when I am the Walrus was wrote). But this is not true, people tend to work on the Hitler side and find negativeness in one another. But if we work on the good side, things always do come to an understanding, not only in life but to one another to ultimately create peace!
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